We’ll Be Right Back.
Have to take a few days to get some things in order.
I’m extremely disappointed in the comic’s progress in visibility, and I need to step back for a minute to re-evaluate why I’m doing this comic. I made this comic almost 3 years ago because it was something I wanted to do, just got to get myself back in that mind-set. Thanks for hanging on, I’ll get back to it ASAP.
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And the rest of you skags reading this, hit that Vote button on the side, there. Run this up the list!
Have you considered joining one of the more well known webcomic groups like Spider Forest or Hiveworks? They can generate a lot more awareness for your comic through cross advertising.
Yeah the problem with those sites is that I have to sign exclusivity over to them if I do join.
Sooooo if someone had a webcomic collectif that was non-exclusive? Not me sorry but this must be a regular frustration and that equals demand. Someone more motivated than me do something with this and make money from it!
Hello Parker,
I am commenting the first time because of what you wrote. I discovered your comic (maybe a year ago) through the topwebcomics website and I have to tell you that I madly love your style and the story.
It’s not just about the art (which I needed to get a grasp on at first, but then I came to appreciate how it fits with the tone of your story), but mostly about the way you introduce the background history of the world you created.
Not everything is served, not everything is explained directly, but comes through while reading and looking at backgrounds, secondary characters or otherwise details that are not apparent immediately. Without having someone give any out of place monologue of what would be obvious details or history for someone within your world, you still created a way for the readers to grasp the reality they live in.
This is something I have seen very few comics do as seamlessly as you did.
I don’t know how or if I can help you make your comic more visible, but I really hope you can find a way to make it so and continue working on your story. I would hate for you to lose your drive on something that clearly took you so much effort to make successful and that I, honestly, like so much.
If there is something I can do, I will will try to help.
Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.
Just spread the word and keep reading, that’s the best thing I could ask for!
You deserve the world for this comic. I hope you make it through that last barrier you need to breach!
Keep it up! Good comic, you just need better marketing. “If you build it they will come” is not a good idea for getting successful. You have a good product, go sell it!