Page 363
I actually slid into a groove and worked on this until it was finished.
Still rough feeling, but I feel a little better working on this.
Thanks for your patience.
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I actually slid into a groove and worked on this until it was finished.
Still rough feeling, but I feel a little better working on this.
Thanks for your patience.
That’s a fine translation of a cinematic effect to the page! Every page is well worth the wait.
I love the lighting effects here, just gorgeous!
“Thanks for your patience.”
No problem ^^
Some of the comics I follow come out daily, some come out every 60 days. You need to consider that this should be a labor of love that you don’t get paid for, which means your work is priceless. Considering the amount of work that I can see being put into this comic, I think you should shoot for once every two to three weeks, possibly monthly. If you don’t enjoy doing this, we’re not going to enjoy reading it. Please, take your time, heal between postings and remember that you have a life.
And thanks for sharing.