Hey everyone, just a heads up, there isn’t going to be a page for tomorrow (Friday.) I need to sit down and have a long and good look at the way I’ve been working on Brujagh. Don’t worry, progress will resume on Monday as usual.

I think we can agree the Brujagh is a kind of niche webcomic, and I thought I could get by with a good balance of quality and quantity, but I’m not satisfied with the numbers. I might end up dropping Friday as an update day, and get more time in on pages for Monday and Wednesday. In the end, a bit more quality in the pages I think are going to go a long way in the long-run.

I’m also planning on adding a kind of sub-chapter here, a concurrent story, if you will. It’ll only be about 20 pages long, possibly shorter. I’m very excited to do it too, it’ll be a nice breather from the main arc as well.

Let me know your thoughts and voice your concerns, and thank you so much for reading this crazy webcomic of mine 😀

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